Here’s a chance to see how well you really know your husband/boyfriend/lover.
Cut, paste and fill in the answers, then shoot, you know what to do.
The real challenge is to send it to your husband/boyfriend/lover to see how right you really are
He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
mostly depan Lappy je dia dok hadap. Kiri kanan pun dia tak leh nak nampak, saya tergolek pun dia haram tak sedarnye. KAdang je lah dia leh sedar.
You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Thousand island & sos kalo thousand tu dah abes leh je ganti mayonis
What’s one food he doesn’t like?
mihun goreng
tp dia leh makan mihun singapore.
You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
tak tentu, ikut keadaan & menu kat kedai
Where did he go to high school?
Sek Men Agama Atas Sultan Zainal Abidin & Sek Men Tek Terengganu
What size shoes does he wear?
Size 7
If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Majalah Motor Trader
What is his favorite type of sandwich?
What would this person eat every day if he could?
ape-ape je yg di masak oleh saya.
kalo masak kan ayam/ketam masak merah tiap hari pun dia buleh.
What is his favorite cereal?
What would he never wear?
Baju melayu lengkap. Naper tah dia tak suke pakai.. Org Dungun mmg cam tu ke?
What is his favorite sports team?
eleh.. dah tentu la dia pro Ganu nye team
Who did he vote for?
tak de idea
Who is his best friend?
mase kat U dulu dia nye best fren si black, name sebena sy tak tau & tak ingat
skrg ms keje lak nampak mcm kamceng dgn En Mahathir
What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
saye buleh masak nasi dagang kene dgn tekaknye.. kebanggaannye di situ
What is his heritage?
Melayu ganu + melayu pattani
What is his favourite colour?
What is his habit?
Makan sebelom mandi.. camno perut tak ke depan
What is he proud of?
kami sefamili rasenye.
Lastly, do you think he will read this?
TAKK.. dia lagi suke bace forum kereta/politik
pas kene pakse baru nak bace.. selalunye la..
tunggu ape lagi kawan! buat la tag ni cepat